Regular Worship ( September-June)
Summer Hours (July and August)
We offer communion at both services. We generally follow the Lutheran order of worship, with everything you will need published in our weekly bulletins.
Our 8:15 am service is a service of God’s Word with communion. Our 10:30 am service includes the rich heritage of Lutheran music. All baptized Christians are welcome to join us at the Lord’s Table. On most Sundays we commune by tables, offering the host and wine or grape juice. Wine may be taken by intinction or common cup. Grape juice is available in small cups.
Special services are offered during Advent, Christmas Eve, Lent and Easter. Specific dates and times are posted above during the appropriate season.
Special Services
Special services are held during the year. We start our church year with Advent just after Thanksgiving. This is the time we prepare our hearts to receive God’s gift of His Son, born in Bethlehem.
On Christmas Eve we offer three services. The 4PM services is focused on families and includes a special children’s sermon. At 7PM service we have a candlelight service of carols. At 11PM we gather again for a candlelight service of carols.
Ash Wednesday is a service that helps us recall that God hates nothing His hands have made, and He forgives the sins of the penitent. Ashes help us recall that from dust we came and to dust we shall return.
During Holy Week we celebrate the triumphant entry of Christ on Palm Sunday with the joyous songs and waving of palm branches. As we move to Holy Thursday we hear our Lord’s call to intensify our struggle against death and sin. We are sustained by God’s grace provided through the eucharistic meal. Good Friday is the tenebrae service, the closing of the book of life. We leave quietly to return in triumph over death on Easter.
On Easter we rejoice with gratitude for the joyous resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through this gift of His life, death and resurrection we have everlasting life. Easter is the crown of the year. It is composed of seven Sundays as a single feast. The Ascension is a continuation of Easter. It is 50 days of rejoicing!
On Penecost we confirm our ninth graders into full membership in the congregation. We rejoice with them and their families as the promise of Easter is fulfilled through the sending of the Holy Spirit. The church receives the power and gifts to bring the Good News to all the earth.
Christ the King Sunday is the last Holy Day in the liturgical year. We remember that Jesus reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, as the beloved Son. This is also the day when we consecrate our gifts, returning with gratitude to God a portion of the blessings we have received through His grace.
- Sunday Communion Services: 8:15 am and 10:30 am
- Sunday School 9:00-10:15 am (September 15th – June)
- Coffee Hour follows the 10:30 am service
Summer Hours (July and August)
- Summer Services 9:30 am only
We offer communion at both services. We generally follow the Lutheran order of worship, with everything you will need published in our weekly bulletins.
Our 8:15 am service is a service of God’s Word with communion. Our 10:30 am service includes the rich heritage of Lutheran music. All baptized Christians are welcome to join us at the Lord’s Table. On most Sundays we commune by tables, offering the host and wine or grape juice. Wine may be taken by intinction or common cup. Grape juice is available in small cups.
Special services are offered during Advent, Christmas Eve, Lent and Easter. Specific dates and times are posted above during the appropriate season.
Special Services
Special services are held during the year. We start our church year with Advent just after Thanksgiving. This is the time we prepare our hearts to receive God’s gift of His Son, born in Bethlehem.
On Christmas Eve we offer three services. The 4PM services is focused on families and includes a special children’s sermon. At 7PM service we have a candlelight service of carols. At 11PM we gather again for a candlelight service of carols.
Ash Wednesday is a service that helps us recall that God hates nothing His hands have made, and He forgives the sins of the penitent. Ashes help us recall that from dust we came and to dust we shall return.
During Holy Week we celebrate the triumphant entry of Christ on Palm Sunday with the joyous songs and waving of palm branches. As we move to Holy Thursday we hear our Lord’s call to intensify our struggle against death and sin. We are sustained by God’s grace provided through the eucharistic meal. Good Friday is the tenebrae service, the closing of the book of life. We leave quietly to return in triumph over death on Easter.
On Easter we rejoice with gratitude for the joyous resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through this gift of His life, death and resurrection we have everlasting life. Easter is the crown of the year. It is composed of seven Sundays as a single feast. The Ascension is a continuation of Easter. It is 50 days of rejoicing!
On Penecost we confirm our ninth graders into full membership in the congregation. We rejoice with them and their families as the promise of Easter is fulfilled through the sending of the Holy Spirit. The church receives the power and gifts to bring the Good News to all the earth.
Christ the King Sunday is the last Holy Day in the liturgical year. We remember that Jesus reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, as the beloved Son. This is also the day when we consecrate our gifts, returning with gratitude to God a portion of the blessings we have received through His grace.